Relationship Hack: Lovesickness, Symptoms And It’s Cure

Lovesick Teddy Bear

Once you have become involved with someone, it’s easy to begin feeling lovesick and acting in ways that are not in your best interests romantically.


stuff you do when you miss - using phone, driving, writing letter, eating food

Examine the following symptoms of lovesickness.
  • Calling him/her all hours of day and night. You can’t stop even though you know you should.
  • Drive by your partner's place late at night to see if his/her car is there, or otherwise check up on whereabouts.
  • Send silly Romantic cards or long involved letters all about your ‘feelings’. It’s is fine to send a card occasionally if you’re sure the feeling is mutual. If you send cards too often, it makes you look desperate.
  • Ask for reassurance constantly. This makes you appear insecure and unattractive. Don’t expect your relationship to give you all the satisfaction you need in life. Seek other areas of interest rather than locating all your feelings of self-worth in a relationship.
  • Eating too much, shopping too much, or talking about him/her to your friends all the time is another destructive symptom.

 Do you let this sort of behaviour sabotage the relationship?

Prescription for Lovesickness

Don't feel depressed if you've been acting lovesick. It’s not too late to backpedal. Here are some positive antidotes. They will allow you to return to acting in your own best interests.

Keep Busy:

Black and white picture of crowd

Be a moving target. If you are waiting around for him/her to phone you, Remember, people are much more attracted to a moving living target. Keep busy.

The Answering Machine:

answering machine showing one new message

Buy an answering machine. You must get an answering machine. Let him/her leave a message if you're busy. You can get back later. When you go out, avoid the temptation to call in for your messages every fifteen minutes. If you're home when he/she calls, don’t pick up on the first ring and do not immediately invite him/her over.

Avoid Phone Sex:

seductive girl talking on phone

Don’t encourage long phone conversations, especially if they take place late at night and seem to be replacing regular get togethers. Let him/her get in the habit of seeing you often, as opposed to being your phone buddy. Especially look out for people who find time only to call.

Asking out:

girl and a guy running on a bridge

Don't hint for him/her to ask you out. If you want to ask out, take the initiative and do so. However if you have asked out twice and he/she has refused, back off and let him/her make the next move.

Be Unavailable Sometimes:

empty room with a black couch

Don't whine about not seeing enough of your partner. That will only make them want to run away! Instead, make him/her look forward to seeing you by not always being available.

Avoid Awkward Calls:

person holding coffee in one hand and a phone in other

Don't call without something to say. Mention what you enjoyed the most about your last date or relate a funny story or news item he/she would appreciate. Have something more to say than just hello.

Tip: Relax. Do not over stress yourself for your relationship. If it is meant to happen, it will happen. Give time sometime and act normal. You're equally important. Know your value & try to keep yourself occupied in other good things.

Article Contributor: A.W
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