Men who test your limits

interrogation scene of scarlett johansson


Men enjoy playing games as much as women. Why they test your limit has limitless answers although a few may be important to consider.

little boy surfing and a picture of water splash hitting a girl's face

Perhaps, They like it even more because they have been playing games since childhood. By testing your limits, men get a chance to see how much bad conduct on their part you'll put up with before you throw a tantrum.


A man can test your limits in a variety of ways, including flirting with other women while you are out on a date together, not introducing you to friends he meets on the street, and so forth.


clock standing next to a busy road

One of the more common ways to test your limits is showing up late for dates. Don't let him get away with it, even if it occurs on the first date. Using humor as always, say something like, "You're on probation for being late, but I'll let you spend the rest of the night making up for it."
If a man is occasionally late, but is promising in every other way, never bawl him out. Instead rise above the occasion.

The Spanish Inquisition

A man may also test your limits by subjecting you to a barrage of leading questions. If you feel like your date is interrogating you, use humor to get him to back off. Say something like, "What are you planning to do, write my biography?" Or throw him off course by saying, "Enough about me, not lets talk about you." This should also serve to remind you to be discreet about how you gain information from him.

Danger Signals

Danger sign on a steel door

When you first meet a man, it's easy to overlook a lot of things, especially when the chemistry is right. That's why you need to be on the lookout for the following danger signals.
  • He's still talking about his old girlfriend. If he does, he's still hung up on her. Don't nurse him through it. Tell him to call you in six months.
  • He tries to sweep you off your feet. If he comes on too strong, he'll cool off quick. Don't be rushed.
  • He's got problems and you spend all your time together talking about them. Don't be tempted to rescue him. Give him the name of a good therapist and move on.
  • He spends several nights a week out with "the boys" bad hopping.
Guy asking for lift
By taking gradual steps when you begin to date, and by exploring a man's character and history carefully, you can determine with some assurance the men who offer promise for the long term.

Tip: Research a man in much the same way you would research a company you would consider purchasing.

Article Contributor: A.W
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